At TutorCruncher, we are determined to keep improving our platform by bringing new features and updates to our users in 2022. That is why we wanted to hit the ground running by releasing our first update: a new and improved job and lesson page!

We are always working hard to improve our Tutor Management Software and upgrade our available features!

Elements of jobs and lessons are now broken down into sections, meaning it'll be easier than ever to find and access relevant information. Not only that, but we've also made it visually more appealing too! Here are some of the improvements that we've made:

New Layout

Jobs and Lessons will have a sleeker appearance, meaning it'll be easier to find the information you're looking for at a glance.

We've also made the job and lesson pages easier for tutors to navigate as well. All the key information that relates to tutors will be easily accessible and well displayed.

New Tabs

Both jobs and lessons will have additional tabs, and these include ActivityMatchingReviews & Communications. Similar to user profiles, information will now be categorised and easier to navigate.

More Help Text

We've made more of an effort to provide help text and descriptions on the different elements within jobs and lessons. This will help give a better understanding of what each feature is, as well as how they work.

Why did we make these changes?

There are a few reasons why the jobs and appointment pages were updated, so just to give a bit more detail on that :

  • We found that the page loading times was quite slow for the main jobs details page, and by categorising elements of the jobs, it means that the data and pages load a lot faster now.
  • The Job & Lesson pages have been broken down for all users including tutors. When onboarding new tutors, the pathway for them now is more direct, and they can see at a glance the different sections relating to jobs and themselves.
  • By spacing out the jobs details page & categorising different sections of jobs, we've been able to give more focus on providing descriptions and breakdowns of different features within jobs. These help texts now provide a much better insight into what each feature does and the impact they have on jobs and lessons.

What should we update next?

As always we want to hear your thoughts! Any feedback is more than welcome, so you can send us your suggestion via the feedback form, or send us an email to

Want to learn more about the different methods of advertising for your agency? Then you can read our blog about how to advertise your tutoring agency online.

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