
Manage your business with ease using cutting-edge technology

Running and managing a tutoring business is fulfilling and exciting! However, an ever-expanding admin workload can be a bore. Tutor management software is vital to making your business more effective and freeing up your time to focus on what you love. TutorCruncher’s tutor management systems are specifically designed to tackle the problems of administration overload and online tutoring. It empowers you to manage your business with ease, harnessing cutting edge teaching tools and technology that can help process payments and deliver student management.

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Tutor Management Software

Tutor-Student matching made simple

TutorCruncher simplifies finding the perfect tutor for each valued client of your tutoring company, which is advantageous for a range of businesses, including test prep centers, tutoring centers, and online tutoring agencies.

With intelligent tutor matching criteria, options for finding the perfect fit for each student are just a click away. Whether you're running group lessons or one-on-one sessions, online or in-person, our platform, equipped with video calls and screen sharing, ensures you find the right tutor for every student.

Review Assigned Skills

Perfectly match tutors with clients for each tutoring session. Filter tutors based on system-built and custom skills entered on their profile. Segment tutors based on subjects such as math, English, or any other subject.


Subject: Maths Created after: 07/04/2020
Tutor profile picture
Walter Moore
Tutor profile picture
Jane Pilsner
Tutor profile picture
Brian Johnston

Compare Location

Minimize travel costs by assigning tutors based on proximity to a student's location. Match tutors to students based on their home address or your local tuition center.


Location London
Radius 5 miles
Google Map of London
Tutor Profile Picture
Tutor Profile Picture

Easily Customize

Find the best match for each student who approaches your tutoring business, even those with the most specific demands. Get unlimited choice in matching criteria using TutorCruncher’s custom labeling system.


Label: Online
Harry Hoskins Online Referral
Johnny Brown Online
Ben Cottrell Online

Efficiently Plan Lessons with Intelligent Design

Our platform streamlines your appointment booking process, putting education first. It’s not just a booking system; it’s a comprehensive management platform that supports group sessions, progress tracking, and automated appointment reminders. TutorCruncher’s custom tools are created with tutoring businesses in mind, providing you with all the tools needed for lesson appointment scheduling software.

Repeating Lessons

Easily customize the length of repeating lessons. Schedule online tutoring and in-person sessions for the future after agreeing on a date and time which suits both your tutor and student.


Lesson 1 - GCSE Maths

Repeat every


How many weeks?

Automated Appointment Reminders

Maximize lesson attendance with automated appointment reminders with virtual classroom links, sent via emails or text messages, helping to reduce no shows. Boost notification efficiency with custom sending times for each tutoring session.


Custom Feedback Reports

Provide unique feedback to clients after each lesson. TutorCruncher’s lesson observation report function prompts tutors to provide comments after each session, based on custom criteria. This is a handy way to track student progress.

Custom Feedback Reports

What was the topic of the lesson?

Grow Your Business with Publicly Bookable Lessons

Increase lead conversion rate and prevent unnecessary customer churn. Use our appointment scheduling software for intelligent lesson bookings both in-system and via your own fully customizable website plugin to maximise profit and attendance.

Use TutorCruncher to increase lead conversion rate and prevent unnecessary customer churn. Our tutor scheduling software can be used for intelligent lesson bookings both in-system and via your own fully customizable website plugin to maximize profit and attendance.

In-System Client Booking

Simplify online booking, and increase lead conversion rate with TutorCruncher’s in-system lesson marketplace. Customisable maximum capacity settings assure lessons are never overbooked.

2 3
5 6
9 10 11
13 14
17 18
20 21
24 25 26 27

Frontend Website Plugins

Our tutoring scheduling software and slick front-end plugins integrate seamlessly with your tutoring site, serving as powerful marketing tools. Available lessons are displayed on your website, helping you convert new leads instantly.

Mon 8
15:30 Online GCSE Maths £50
Tues 9
11:00 A-Level Chemistry with Walter Moore £60
18:00 Computer Science Programming £100
Wed 10
17:45 Online GCSE English Literature £45

Additional Tools

Use more of our smart tools to help build your business.

Intelligent Cancellations

Keep track of all cancellations with our smart cancellation feature. Allow clients to cancel their own lessons, and streamline billing processes to match your cancellation policy with tutoring CRM tools.

Streamline lesson scheduling with our easy to use calendar

Our system incorporates the best features of a tutor management system, ensuring your business management runs smoothly. TutorCruncher allows you to arrange lessons flawlessly and automatically share information with our web-based iCalendar integration. Online appointment scheduling simplified.

Smart External Integration

Automate synchronization with an external Apple, Outlook and Google Mail. TutorCruncher’s iCal integration smoothly transfers new lessons and appointments from our system to your personal smart calendar.

Lesson Calendar

Google Calendar

Additional Calendar Tools

Do more with our scheduling software to help manage and organise your tutors.

Variable and Extensive Filtering

Get greater insight into your end-users schedules with smart filtering. Identify the most in-demand subject at your tutoring agency by viewing your calendar based on courses.

Reliable Tutor Availability

Allow each tutor to enter their availability ahead of time. Remove unnecessary organizational steps and schedule lessons based on your online teaching process and tutors' own schedules.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you manage a tutoring business?

Managing and starting a tutoring business can be complicated. Like with any business venture, a tutoring agency has many different aspects you must consider.

Managing a teaching business means thinking about the following:

Managing a tutoring business means thinking about the following.

Tuition Location

Decide whether your tutoring agency will offer online or face-to-face teaching.

Lesson Scheduling

If you are planning to expand your tutoring agency, forget Google Calendar and consider investing in tutoring software. Ours comes with appointment scheduling.

Promotion and Online Marketing Strategies

Consider brand consistency within lesson plans, scheduling, and social media presence.

Tutor Management

Think about how you keep tutors accountable to you and your clients. Our CRM tools are handy here.

What software is best for online tutoring?

Tutor management systems, video conferencing, and virtual classroom software are some of the best tools for online tutoring. That’s where a single online tutoring software such as TutorCruncher, as a tutor.

Can teachers charge for tutoring?

Yes. Teachers providing tutoring should charge for their services. To make billing easier, teachers can utilize online tutor management software (and appointment scheduling software), such as TutorCruncher.

How much is an online tutor?

The average tutoring rates range from £35 to £50 per hour, depending on the subject, qualification, and tutor’s location. Since every agency has different standards to become a tutor, skills and experience often play into how expensive a tutor is.

Can you make a living as an online tutor?

Yes, you can. Online tutoring gives teachers the opportunity to make a full-time career out of working with students. Alternatively, it can also be a great way to supplement your income by being a tutor for a few hours a week alongside a part- or full-time job.

What are the key challenges faced by tutors?

Tutoring, like any teaching job, comes with a variety of challenges. In their day-to-day life, tutors may find that they are challenged by:

Scheduling issues

Having track of lessons, staying in touch with clients, and billing at the right time can cause unnecessary stress.

Engaging Students

Keeping learners motivated can be tricky, so using interactive workspaces can improve their focus.

Balancing different learning needs

Different students have specific learning preferences, so understanding these can make better tutors.

Billing clients

Figuring out tax percentages, accounting working hours, and sending out invoices can be challenging. Utilizing online billing tools can make this all easier.

Fatigue and Burnout

Make sure to not overbook your tutors. For this, our scheduling software can send automated appointment reminders.

Is zoom good for online teaching?

Zoom is a good tool for online learning if you require video conferencing or audio chat only. If you are looking to collaborate with students with lesson notes and engage in online teaching – an online whiteboard or virtual classroom is a better option.

Start Your Journey with TutorCruncher

Ready for your 2-week free trial? Create an account or get in touch. Discover how TutorCruncher can transform your tutoring, test prep, or teaching business with advanced management tools, payment processing, file sharing, and marketing tools. Elevate your business with TutorCruncher, where technology meets education for unmatched success.

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